By Kien-Ling Liem, Editor, Trinity College Student
Content by Vicky Liu, Trinity College Student
With online school and a global pandemic, these are stressful times to be in. Why not pick up a new hobby, such as arts and crafts or photography? Vicky Liu, a student at Trinity College, will inspire you with these intricate handmade flowers and beautiful cherry blossoms.
Vicky: "These are photographs I shot in the early spring. During the February break, I heard that the cherry blossoms were flourishing and beautiful. Thus I came to the temple where cherry blossoms bloom most and photographed many wonderful scenes. There are a long shot general one includes both cherry blossoms and a famous tower in my hometown, and a detailed one used close-up."

Vicky: "This bouquet is a gift for my friend’s birthday. It was completely made of paper. The bouquet mainly consists of rose, with some eucalyptus leaves for decoration."

"This one is totally made of paper as well. However, there are so many kinds of flowers in the box that it looks colourful. There are corn poppy, daisy as well as rose and eucalyptus."

Thank you Vicky for inspiring us! The photos and handmade flowers are certainly very impressive.